Recent News
Insights, inspiration, and intel from the HagerSmith office.
From Amenity to Necessity: Five Elements that Enhance In-Person Workspaces
Slowly but surely, workers are making their way back to offices across the nation and the Triangle. As companies...
Designing Office Space to Combat Workplace Loneliness, Support Employee Community & Company Culture
Commercial real estate has gone through turbulent times in the recent years, and the implementation of remote and...
Color, Coordinated: Colors of the Year, Interior Design, and Brand Messaging in Commercial Workplaces
What’s in a shade? For companies and brands that want to impact consumers and employees, color is an undeniable...
Meet Lucky Number 3
“The real competitive advantage in any business is one word only, which is people.” – Kamil Toume Celebrating 40 years means celebrating...
Meet the Engines Behind the Machine
“It is an intern’s job to go for coffee for anyone who asks, preferably delivering it scalding hot and cupped in your bare hands! – Kurt...
Meet the Renaissance Man
Now in his 11th year at HagerSmith, Nick Troutman has built his career as a jack of all trades. Whether he wears the hat of CAD Technician,...
Meet Indiana’s Finest
“One of the great things about HagerSmith is the freedom the office has given me to grow as an individual.” - Bryan Gibson In his 14 years...
Meet Mr. Landscape Architect
Jamie Loyack, Vice President, Principal, and Landscape Architect at HagerSmith Design is celebrating his twentieth year as an employee this year....
Meet El Presidente
President of HagerSmith Design, Tony Conner, first started at the firm back in 1991. The economy was not the greatest and getting a job in the...
Meet the First Female Principal
Sharron Scroggin, Vice President, Principal, and Landscape Architect has been at HagerSmith for over 34 years. Her passion shines through with...
Meet the Cruise Director
Sarah Troutman is the Vice President of the Interiors Group and a principal of the firm. She started in 2006 and became manager of the interiors...
Meet the Founders
You might call it fate that Mike Hager and Jim Smith wound up in each other’s path during one of the worst recessions in the 70s. They admit it...
Happy Holidays From Your Friends at HagerSmith!
While this year's end is near... We want to wish you the happiest of holiday cheer, And thank you for being here! We look forward to...
4 Smart Buildings That Will Blow Your Mind
With each passing year, the number of zero energy buildings (ZEB), or buildings that create enough renewable energy to meet their own...
Design Trends: Neocon 2017 Edition
Neocon conference dictates design trends for 2017 North America’s most well-known commercial design conference, dictates design trends in the...
Your Ideas, Our Expertise, Personalized Design
Our design process begins and ends with your vision in mind. We aim to be a part of your team and someone you want to work with every day. We empower and inform you throughout the process, working alongside you to customize every detail.